Sunday, May 23, 2010

Research and types of prostate cancer

prostate cancer, types of cancer,

prostate cancer, types of cancer,

prostate cancer, types of cancer,

prostate cancer, types of cancer,

The cause of prostate cancer re-discovered. A new study says that extreme weather and climate in a city of high-risk residents to suffer from prostate cancer. Research conducted at Idaho State University, United States show that there is a relationship between drought, cold weather with increased risk of prostate cancer. "We found that cold weather and low rainfall is correlated with prostate cancer," said Sophie St-Hilaire researchers from Idaho State University, United States, as quoted Health He added that there are trends that are consistent with what would be expected considering the climate impact on precipitation, absorption, and degradation of persistent organic pollutants including pesticides.

Some types of breast cancer should know

breast cancer , types of cancer,

breast cancer , types of cancer,

breast cancer , types of cancer,

Ductal Carcinoma

In ductal carcinoma in-situ cancers are along the lines only breast milk. At this stage, nearly 100% of cancer patients can still be cured. The easiest way to identify ductal carcinoma in-situ is a regular mammogram yearly. You also can check it out yourself with the technique of breast self check.

If allowed to, ductal carcinoma eventually spread to surrounding tissue. ASI channel wall thinning and eventually rupture, and cancer spread. The spread can be limited around the origin of cancer, but can also to the whole body (metastases) through blood circulation. Spread mainly to the lymph glands in the armpits and other organs such as bone, liver and lungs. Approximately 70% of breast cancers are invasive ductal carcinoma.

Carcinoma lobular
In lobular carcinoma in-situ (also called lobular neoplasia), cancer is still not penetrate the wall of the lobules. Potentially invasive lobular carcinoma metastases and spread to other body parts, starting from the fatty breast tissue. Approximately 10-15% of breast cancers are invasive lobular carcinoma. This type of cancer does not always cause a bump, but just making the affected tissue can be difficult to thicken so that the detected.

Types and symptoms in lung cancer

types of cancer, Lung cancer,

types of cancer, Lung cancer,

types of cancer, Lung cancer,

types of cancer, Lung cancer,

Lung cancer is a form of very rapid growth of the cells (abnormal) in the lung tissue due to the changes in tissue form cells or expansion of the cell itself. Uncontrolled cancer cells in lung tissue, causing the reproduction of wild inhibit tumor growth and stop the function of the lungs. If left, these abnormal growths can spread to other organs both near the lungs as well as remote as bone, heart or brain.

Until now, lung cancer remains a major problem in medicine. Lung cancer is detected because it is not difficult to show symptoms at an early stage. The size of the lungs to cause cancer to grow undetected for years and only detected when already advanced stage. In Indonesia, lung cancer is one of the main causes of death of men.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Clinical symptoms of lung cancer is marked by continuous and prolonged cough. In addition, the chest infection that does not go away, shortness of breath, hoarse voice, cough and bloody sputum, and pain in the chest when coughing. Not only that other symptoms are pain when taking a deep breath in, loss of appetite and weight declined steadily.

Lung Cancer Prevention

Prevention is better than cure. Before the excessive pain better at keeping a healthy lifestyle so as not exposed to various types of diseases. For lung cancer alone because the cause is a smoke and other air pollution as much as possible so we avoid those things. Smoking is a habit that will lead to large losses related to health, especially with breathing. Not only smokers are going to be affected, people who do not accidentally inhale the cigarette smoke (passive smoking) will also experience the same risk with smokers and even greater risk.

In addition to avoiding tobacco smoke and air pollution, consumption of healthy and nutritious food and clean living environment is also one of prevention against all kinds of diseases.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Research on Cervical cancer symptoms

Research on Cervical cancer symptoms

At the beginning of the course of the disease such as cervical cancer can be cancer or precancerous lesions. These precancerous changes usually cause no symptoms and is undetectable except when the woman underwent a pelvic examination or pap smear.

Symptoms usually only appear when abnormal cervical cells become malignant and infiltrate into surrounding tissue. At this time symptoms can arise such as menstrual disorders, vaginal bleeding, and whiteness.

If the cancer has grown increasingly more then the symptoms can arise such as:
• Decreased appetite, weight loss, fatigue
• pelvic pain, back and leg
• Exit the urine and feces from the vagina
• Broken bones

Prevention is better than cure, early self and identify your body, including the prevention of these cervical cancer.

Research on the symptoms and causes of breast cancer

Research on the symptoms and causes of breast cancer

Research conducted by Patrick Carroll of PAPRI at London show that in countries with higher abortion rates like the UK can be a substantial increase in breast cancer. Where such a low incidence of abortion in the Republic of Ireland north of the possibility of its increase is very small. When the number of abortions declined as d Danish and Finland, the occurrence of breast cancer can in anticipation. Carroll uses the same mathematical model to estimate Jumah breast cancer in some previous studies used to predict the number of breast cancers in England & Wales based on cancer data up to year 1997 has proven accurate for predicting cancer in 1998-2004. In four countries - England & Wales, Scotland, Finnish and Danish discovered a striking fact in which upper-class women and women who are highly mobile over a lot of breast cancer compared with lower-class women. This has in meticulous in Finland and the Danish and the influence on the awareness of these risk factors have been at trial, but the gradient is not described further.
Carroll mentions that the option to have an abortion in this class may explain this phenomenon. The women who pursue higher education and careers as professionals often delay marriage and having children. Abortions performed before the birth of first child is extremely carcinogenic. Carroll uses data from countries believed to have a level of accuracy of the calculation data on abortion. Therefore, research is not easily biased. "It is time for scientists to admit publicly what they knew and documented to be a secret between them - that abortions increase the risk factor for breast cancer - and to stop acting the fool just to protect the existence of various practices tails that can be medically dangerous demands of law "so according to Karen Malec, president of the Coalition of Abortion / Breast Cancer. Coalition of Abortion / Breast Cancer is an organization of international women in shape to protect health and safety of the lives of women by educating and providing information on abortion, as one risk factor for breast cancer.