Saturday, October 9, 2010

Signs of breast cancer and its prevention


When at a place in our body there are cells growing excessive, there will be a lump or tumor. These tumors can be benign or malignant. A malignant tumor is called cancer. Malignant tumors have unique properties, which can spread to other parts of the body to develop into new tumors. The spread is called metastasis. Cancers have different characteristics. There is growing rapidly, there is growing not too fast, such as breast cancer.

The first breast cancer cells can grow into tumors of 1 cm at the time of 8-12 years. Cancer cells are silent on the breast gland. Breast cancer cells can spread via the bloodstream throughout the body. When was the last deployment, we do not know. Breast cancer cells can hide inside our bodies for years without the owner knowing, and active suddenly become malignant or cancerous tumor.

Types and symptoms of lung cancer

types cancer

You often cough? Very often so without ceasing, even to bleed? Also shortness of breath, fever, and weight loss? If yes, do not say anything. Do not underestimate these things. That could be a symptom of lung cancer, the silent killer that is still difficult to cure.

The lungs are internal organs of the respiratory system and referred to in the air-breathing vertebrates kitara system. Lung function in oxygen exchange of carbon dioxide from the blood system with the help of hemoglobin. This process is known as respiration or breathing. The lungs are located inside the chest cavity, protected by the bony structure of the collar and there is a wall as the pleural membrane that contains the pleural fluid.

Types and symptoms of cervical cancer

types cancer.cervix

Cervical cancer (cervical) or carcinoma of the uterine cervix is the number two cancer killer of women in the world after breast cancer. In Indonesia, cervical cancer even rank first. Cervical cancer that has entered into an advanced stage often leads to death within a period of relatively rapid.

Cervical or cervix / cervical uterine is the lower end protruding into the vagina intercourse (vagina). Cervical cancer develops in stages, but progressive. The process begins with the occurrence of cancer cells mutate and evolve into dysplastic cells, causing epithelial abnormalities called dysplasia. Starting from mild displasia, displaced were, displaced, and eventually into carcinoma in situ (KIS), then expand again into invasive carcinoma. Level dysplasia and KIS is also known as the pre-cancer. From dysplasia to carcinoma in-situ may take 1-7 years, whereas carcinoma in-situ to invasive carcinoma ranges from 30-20 years.

Cervical cancer and the types and symptoms

types cancer cervix

Cervical cancer or cancer of the cervix (often also called cervical cancer) is one of the most common cancer for women. Every one hour, one woman died in the world due to cervical cancer or cervical cancer this. The facts show that millions of women in the world are infected with HPV, which is considered a disease through sexual intercourse most common in the world.
In Indonesia, every one hour, one woman died of cervical cancer
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this infection is a major risk factor for cervical cancer. Every year, hundreds of thousands of cases of HPV are diagnosed in the world and thousands of women died of cervical cancer, caused by the infection. Given the fact that this horrible, the various measures of prevention and treatment have been made to address cervical cancer or cervical cancer.

Types and symptoms of lung cancer and its prevention

types cancer lung

Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Clinical symptoms of lung cancer is characterized by continuous and prolonged cough. In addition, chest infections that do not heal, short breath, hoarseness, cough and bloody sputum, and chest pain when coughing. Not only that another symptom is pain when breathing deeply, loss of appetite and body weight continues to decline.

Prevention of Lung Cancer

Prevention is better than cure. Before the already ill better maintain a healthy lifestyle so as not exposed to various types of diseases. For lung cancer alone as the main cause is smoking and other air pollution as much as possible so we avoid those things. Smoking is a habit that will cause great loss to health, especially that associated with breathing. Not only smokers who will be affected, people who do not accidentally inhale cigarette smoke (secondhand smoke) also will experience the same risk with smokers and even greater risk.