Friday, September 24, 2010

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

cancer prostate

Patients with prostate cancer had no symptoms, especially when the cancer is still in early stages. But in general, prostate cancer is discovered accidentally during rectal examination.

Symptoms begin to be felt at the start clogging the urethra (the bladder neck and urethra. The feeling at that moment is the difficulty to start urinating, increased frequency of urination, and pain when urinating. In addition, weak urinary stream, or even just a trickle.

Other symptoms are a feeling of fullness in bladder cancer although she had just piss. This happens because the bladder is not emptied completely.

Another symptom is the discovery of a rare blood in the urine, pain during ejaculation, or impotence occur.

If the cancer has spread to other organs such symptoms can arise fatigue and weight loss. The spread to the bone can cause symptoms of bone pain or fractures, especially in the thigh bone or the spine.