Sunday, February 20, 2011

Symptoms of ovarian cancer is sometimes hard to find

ovarian cancer symptoms

Ovarian cancer is found early trouble, because often there are no symptoms in its early stages. In many cases, patients come to doctors with symptoms turned out the cancer had spread. Cancer had been growing for some time before causing symptoms typical. Even when the symptoms arrive, maybe a vague so that the women ignore them.

A gynecologic oncology consultant explained that the real cause of ovarian cancer is well known, but there are several factors that allegedly such as certain hormones such as estrogen can be said to cause cancer of the ovary, then the pattern of certain foods such as using animal fats.

The common symptoms found in ovarian cancer such as abdominal bloating, discomfort in the lower abdomen, poor appetite and feel full stomach, unable to digest, vomiting, and weight decrease. Large tumors may compress the surrounding organs, such as colon or bladder.